About Davis Delk Consulting
Karen is the Founder & President of Davis Delk Consulting, an executive coaching, leadership development, and management consulting firm located in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. Karen works with clients to let their talents shine.
Moving You From the Cubicle to the C-Suite
Karen's expertise is in leadership development, change management, talent management, organizational design, and development. She works with organizations to transform them for sustainable growth.
Karen is known for her ability to help the client:
increase efficiency through root cause analysis
identify a broad range of strengths to expand business opportunities
improve key messages to customers, employers, and business partners
streamline operations
stop being buried in the muck of administration
start growing your business to be more profitable
Karen has over 25 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies. She has worked across four industries: automotive, consumer packaged goods, financial services, and manufacturing. She spent 17 years as a Vice President. She has led and developed strategic human resource initiatives, implemented change management, designed and led growth projects organically and through mergers and acquisitions.
Connect with Karen and see how coaching will benefit you.

Consulting With Davis Delk Consulting
The economy is like a giant puzzle. Services are available at the click of a mouse, communication is fast, and innovation is never-ending. Understanding how to operate in this economy is critical. If you are asking yourself any of the following questions:
How do I continuously improve my performance?
How do I compete in this global economy?
How do I take advantage of the new opportunities available to me?
Karen works with clients like you. She builds on the strengths you have, uncovers your hidden talents, and helps you maximize your leadership brand.
Are you looking to move forward and grow, but you are unsure how to proceed? Having a coach can help you to:
Get clear on your direction
Identify the actions you need to take
Remove obstacles
Achieve your goals
Getting a coach is the smartest investment you can make in your self-development.